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  • Magic Page Plugin
  • Single Niche PBNs, Linking Structure, Management, Website Audits + Keyword Clustering

MIKE MARTIN: How To Turn One Of Your Biggest SEO Expenses Into Your Biggest Profits.  

  • What Is A PBN?
  • What Is A Single Niche PBN?
  • Understanding PBN Costs & How To Generate An Income From Them
  • PBN Linking Structure
  • Internal Linking Structure
  • Why The Triangle Is The Most Important shape for your SEO success

HERC MAGNUS: How To Easily Manage A 100+ Site PBN & Bonus Training

  • How To Easily Manage A 100+ Site PBN Network
  • How To Use Xagio Audits To Find The Perfect Service Pages & Keywords For MPP Sites
  • How To Use Xagio To Keyword Cluster

More Great Trainings...

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  • thank for this PDF I am still trying to find time to dive into your program I keep it in front of me I am going to get involved soon once again thank you

  • Hey Herc and/or Mike, is it safe to say that:

    1st) build a money site with topic specific service pages
    a) pretty home page, CTA’s, opt-ins, yada yada
    b) MPP URL structure (I would put as services) =
    – domainname.com/services/keyword-city-name (that’s if the service is included w/cities in MP)
    c) MP page w/H2 services, link in text linking to appropriate service page(s)

    2nd) build out topic specific local sites targeting the same MPP cities
    – maybe using the same service page(s) from money site as each sites home page(s) (w/some tweaks)

    3rd) point each new local site to the service specific page on money site
    4th) have a few relevant backlinks (expired domains) pointing to the topic specific local sites
    5th) a couple of more pointing to them
    6th) add another authority backlink (or two) pointing to money site itself

    Is about it in a nutshell???

  • It would be cool to see a more private/exclusive FB group for those that have gone all-in on Xagio & MPP. The training has been fire!

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